Sweeten up your morning with the new Yummy World Patsy the Pop Art Pastry Tart plush! While Patsy the Pop Art Pastry Tart might have a few sprinkles missing from the ol’ strawberry noggin, don’t let her exposed jelly fool you – she's sugary sweet, perfectly toasted and ready to brighten up your Yummy World! Ooozing with sweet strawberry GOO-dness, this soft high quality medium plushie pal sends her love from her new home in Sprinkle Tree wearing her bite marks proud as berry bite marks are love notes written in plush!
Patsy the Pop Art Pastry Tart plushie packs a pretty sweet rainbow sprinkle topped breakfast party on-the-go! This 10-inch tall frosted BFF (Breakfast Friend Forever) will make sure you always wake up on the right side of the bed with a magnificent morning cuddle and hopeful hug to get your day off on the right step!
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