Yoyo Yeung Studio

Raby Cotton Ball Honey Cake by Yoyo Yeung

Yoyo Yeung
5 cm
Soft Vinyl

The honey cake that can give people a sense of happiness is soft and delicious, emitting the sweetness of honey.

It has the appearance of both cake and bee, and her lovely sleeping expression is refreshing.
Fall into the fluffy and soft cake, blend the sweet smell, and roam the sweet dream kingdom.

Honey Cotton balls have a flawless white marshmallow coat, and the top and bottom are covered with golden honey syrup. The ear part is decorated with chocolate black strips, which makes the ear look like a bee. The iconic body is black and yellow, very cute. Everyone who loves dessert must not miss this honey little cake!

Remember to pre-order the honey cakes that Raby, the baker, will only bake once!

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