The "mini SOFVI series" is a finger puppet-shaped soft vinyl item that is about 5 cm tall and is made from three-dimensional illustrations drawn by artists.
This product, which is made of colorful sol (vinyl chloride), is made using surplus materials that are always generated in soft vinyl production. Using up all the sol, which is a surplus material, will lead to a reduction in waste.
It is an eco-friendly product adapted to the recent focus on SDGs.
The "mini SOFVI series" will be sold in a paper blind box with a label featuring the artist's illustration. You can choose the shape, but you can enjoy what color finger puppets will appear after you open them. Since it is manufactured using surplus materials, the colors that are created at each timing are different, and at least 10 or more colors are developed for each model.
Please enjoy the excitement of not knowing what color you will get while considering the environment.
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