
Lulu Piggy Can of 3 by Cici's Story

Cici's Story
2.5 inches

Lulu the Pig who lives in a can of luncheon meat!

Can style:
There are 3 pigs in 1 can.
The styles of the 3 pigs include:
Flat Head Pig x 1 (Exclusive version for cans)
Last 2 styles of the 2 pigs are randomly distributed, players might get one of the below combinations:
- Original Pig x 2 (Normal version) / OR
- Heart Pig x 1 (Hidden version) + Original Pig x 1 (Normal version) / OR
- Chocolate Pig x 1 (Super hidden version!) + Original Pig x 1 (Normal version) / OR
- Chocolate Pig x 1 (Super hidden version!) + Heart Pig x 1 (Hidden version)
Probability — Hidden version : Original Pig — 2:8!
There is a small amount of chocolate pigs (Super hidden version!)

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