The snow has melted, the freeze has thawed and spring is in the air. This can only mean one thing: itíëí__íëí_íëíæíëí____íëí__íëí_íëíæíëÌ´Ì_ÌÎÌàÇíë_íëí_íëí_íëí__íëÌ´Ì_ÌÎÌàÇíëíæíëÌ´Ì_ÌÎÌàÇíë_íëÌ´Ì_ÌÎÌàÇí«Ì´Ì_ÌÎÌàÌ´Ì_Ì´ås time for Littons to come out and play! This all new line up of Littons features these baby Labbits disguised as your favorite springtime animals. Dressed up as cows, sheep, pigs, bunnies, ducks and ladybugs these adorable Littons are ready to hop right into your hearts and homes. Collect all six before summer rolls around!